Wind CF (capacity factor)
Based on ERA5 wind speed data. Turbine hub height is modelled as a function of the ERA5 surface roughness (which in turn is mainly dependent on vegetation cover and type).
Energy Index
A measure of heat and cooling demand, much like degree heating and cooling days in method and usage. A base temperature of 15°C is used for heating demand and 20°C for cooling demand. Calculated using a moving exponentially weighted average with a half-life of 12 hours. Insolation is accounted for by transforming global solar radiation to centigrade equivalents, weighted so that insolation at a sunny hour corresponds to approximately 3°C in higher outdoor temperature.
Solar CF
Assuming 50% roof top PVs and 50% PV parks. Roof top PVs are estimated using a panel configuration where 1/10 of the panels are oriented to the east, 1/5 southeast, 1/2.5 south, 1/5 southwest, and 1/10 west; all at a 30° slope. PV parks are assumed oriented to the south and tilted at a slope optimal for yearly energy output for the latitude.